
Thursday, March 30, 2006

Zhi xiang Kai kai xin xin de zai yi Qi~~~~~

1:00 AM / 0 comments

Few DAes din blog le..............
Well... nothing much also....
Mon was my off day........
So went to HOMe dat nite with darS n frens~~~~
And also to surprise Joanne!!!...heehee...
Then later drank n chatted lo......
it was a fun nite.... Gotta See my Lil' Ger!!

Me, Joanne n JOyCe~~~~ AJ__~~~~~ =)
Then later sent her back home...
Then went to See "HAi" a while.....
=) ..... realli happi these few daes....
This kind of feelings which i thot i have long lost them.....
is coming back to me....
And i'm enjoying every moment of it....~~~!!

Then worked n worked lo.........
Actualli last nite ROngz n Luan jio clubbing but i cant...
gotta work today morning...

And They din go too.>>>>Nvm... we wil go next next wed kays~~!!
Kinda missed it le..... Wanna pArty!!!
But seems like the next few weeks wil b burnt.....
COs i'll b so Busy working....
And Somemore cant work my pArt time..... =( which now there's quite a few opportunities!)..
Sigh.... dun have extra cash next month le........

DIn go club last nite....
Thot everything wil b fine... and the "curse" wil b overcomed~~~
but it seems not to b this way..........
becos there were still 'tis' last nite......
DUn ask y....... they jus Came............ +_+

Sunday, March 26, 2006

bAck To KAi XIn MODE~~~~

10:55 PM / 0 comments

Kai xIn mOde AGaIn.... 27.03.2006
Shun Fu de Bed COuch~~~~

@ CArzy HOrse's LOUnge

Movable bed.>>>

Sitting @ THe veri Comfortable SoFA hahahaah... like palace hor..... Me n AShley++++

Well...for the Past two days..
though I'm Tired... Veri tired...
But I'm HAppi......again...
DAt Nite working @ Fisherman Was real Bored...
Not much ppl there,,, Maybe due to the rain in the noontime..
But later MR darS CAme Down....
But something Good Abt dat Nite...
It was a beautiful nite... with alot of stars...
And at Fisherman, it was a beautiful sight!!
And i kept jus gazing @ the sky..... =)
Then LAter after work...
We went to another Place which was veri beautiful too....
I jus love lookinG at beautiFul Things...
And it will make me feel happi.........
And nOw i have this kai xin xin qing in me n it feels good....
And I wan tis feeling to stay n never go away.....

Then ytd after work went to my Cousin's House to see his baby...
One month old celebration..... =)

Her NAme's Charlene too...Sleep till veri soundly....

I'm Carrying Sleeping princess....heez...

hmmm... Quite cute lo....
but she kept sleeping... think she's veri tired lo...
cos i heard from my relatives dat she's veri alert in the morning...
Then later saw my fav niece..Sharlene!!!
So Happi... missed her lo... but her mom cut her hair le...
and she looked a bit funni... but still cute La....haahah
next month she will b 1 yr old lo.....

***SharLEne*** To CApture her smile is so difficult~~~~ ever so Chubby~~~~ But i Still managed to~~~~ Hurray!@@@ My PrettI SharlEne's Smile~~~!!! Jodine N Sharlene~~~

Then @nite met with darS to watch movie....
YEah... watched Yours, mine n OUrs le....
A funni Show la......... but quite short...
Then after movie, met up with Joanne n Fren....
At GEylang,,, ate the dian XIn again....
Hmmm... ,missed JOanne so much ya...... One n ONli AJ PIc ytd++++......

though is one week of not seeing each other........ heehee...
But thot of her lots lo......
Then later on gotta go home early lo... cos he gotta work the next dae...
So later went home...
And me reached my bed.. talked on the phone for like 5mins...
And me realli concussed.... I'm realli Dat tired man... @0300hrs
Its three days n onli less than 6 hrs of sleep....
hahah... but i Had A Veri GOOD Sleep!!!
Jus nOw 2plus i woke Up.....
DUn wan to waste my Off dae By sleeping it away.....
hahah... already slept half the dae le...........haiz...
But not much to do also... Wan to go out also lazy,,,,
and will spend money.....
Tis month have to budget le... must learn to save le.......
Goal of the month: to SAve lots of mOney!!...Then can buy lots of things!~~~ heehee,,,

Jus Saw Tis @ A Spree @ My Forum...wow.. veri Unique n Nice Hor~~~


Saturday, March 25, 2006

busy again>>>

2:16 AM / 0 comments

Jus Woke up AFter my NAp...
Wil b Working @ FisherMAn's ViLLage Tonight..
Anyone wanna See me, Can Drop By~~~~ =)
SIgh,,, then Tomolo Morning again...
Hope i can Get home EarlY Tonight...

lAst Nite @ Crazy Horse~~~
Its been two Months since i last Worked there...
And Some THings have changed....
Gald Dat I Saw AshlEy THere>>>
Or Else it wil B so Bored>>>!!!
THen b4 The show...
We went to the LOunge upstairs to Standby...
wow.. A very relaxing place man....
And we took Pics~~!!! heehee..
Then Mr darS CAme to Pick me Up.....
=) ... Thanks dearie....

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Veri tired.. sick again... sigh..

7:44 AM / 0 comments

Sick Again?

Haiz.. now starting to have flu le...
N my throat feels sore...
sigh... sick?...not again...
i dun wan to take anymore mC...
Luckily today there's no part time work for me...
Or else i cant make it to work....
After work today... went home n pop in two flu pills...
and went to sleep at around 4plus...
then jus now 10 plus then i woke up..sigh..
sleep for so long.....But i still feel tired lei...
probably due to the medicine.. n i feel drowsy....
tomolo i'll b off....fortunately...or else dun know how to work...
but gotta work at Crazy horse tomolo nite...
then sat Nite @ Fisherman...
Hopefully, i wil b feeling better then... my stupid nose..keep blocking up....
will turn in early tonight....
Nites everybody....

PS: Wanna watch "Yours, mine n Ours".... probably when i get well ba.... =(

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Moody MOOd...PortFolio Pixarz

8:25 AM / 0 comments

MOoDy Mood~~~~

WAt's Wrong?....
Forced A SMile?
Am SO TIRed<<<<

My mood Still Sucks....

Jus Now reached Home...

Then took a NAp.. realli so tired....

Then Jus now jus laze at Home..

watched tV with my Parents...

Realli love tis Moments....

And chat with my Mom too...

Dun wan to stress myself...

And anyway, already told my mom abt my decision...

Jus now, Mr darS sent Mr BEan tau Huay over... Sigh... now no mood... see anything also like dat... not even my fav Mr BEan...

LAst week went over to My agency n Brought back my portfolio pics... Put up those nicest ones...

Nice?... I feel so so Onli.... :P

Met Up with LuAn last Sun..Near Cosy BAy...RAining Somemore~~~Then Went to GEylang For SUpper...our Supper ~~!~~

My dearest Ger---Luanie>>

DUn b Sad Kays.... Hope u Are Alright now...

SOmethings are bound to happen, it will happen...

so we have to take it easy...

Will b there whenever u need me... jus ring me or wat kays.... HugSZ*

Ai Xin Chao Fan FRom......?

SInKINg iNTO DepresSion SOON!!

Sigh... Jus back from work.... =(
For the past two daes... have been slogging @ work So HArd man...
The ward Was so Busy Till cant go for breaK....
YEsterdae was so busy Nvm....
But today was busy plus ANother Stupid PoRter which mAkes it even Worse@!!!
REalli Such A Stupid PErSon Lo!!!... Dun Know the ProCedures n Policy then Dun Say TIll LIke As IF KNow Alot LIke daT...!!
Damn Fed Up LO.....
And FEd Up With TIs Ward Too>!@>
Dunno HOw LOng I Can LAst THere~!!
Am Super Unhappy.......
ThiNK I'm Going To Go into DepressIOn sOOn!!!
Realli SO MAd++++

*DUn Say ThingS dat U will Not DO*
*IF u Wan to Say it THen DO IT*
*Cos i DUn LIKe The FEelING To Expect..*
*WHEn In THE End, Its ONli DisappointMEnt DAt I GEt*

* I'M So DisAppoInTEd*
*i"m ALreaDy Stressed OVEr Work LOad*
*THOT I CAn GEt SOme COmforT From U*
* BUt I Din.. ANd NOW mOre DIscoMFOrt is AppEarINg*

*I JuS WAn To HAve A CArefree Life*
* n NOt TIS KInD OF liFE*
*REalli MAkes My TEmper Goes UP*

AT TIS MOment.... I JUs DUn Feel lIke THinKIng oF ANything else le...
I will Jus COncentrate On mY WOrk..
Be It mY FUll Time or PArt TIme work....
I will JUs WOrk N work....
Jus COncentrate on Earning mOre MOney!!!!
Everthing else i"ll Jus Push ASide....
Nothing else will b Important to me anymore....
JUs ME n mYself i have NOw......
NothInG Else MAtters anymore,,,,,

__BU KAi XIn GUo__

Sunday, March 19, 2006

2:32 AM / 0 comments

@@Great nIte Out Last Nite@@ 18th March 06

wow... me jus woke up.. n the time is 1630hrs...
man.. can i realli sleep....heehee..
And no one wake me up too...
asked my dad y he din woke me up...
and he replied...u so tired..let u sleep more ma.... :P...
Guess i'll b home all day today.... gonna rest completely,,,, =)

bReak dance Competition!~!~ RT VS TOm YAm

Yesterdae nite went down to cineleisure to meet Joanne n HW..
And to See the FloorSkillz's CompetitioN... A BBoys dance competition,,
to support our fren from Japan, YOShi n some guys from Thailand~~~
Wow.. there was realli lots n lots of ppl man...
But luckily we saw our two jap gals frens..
so we went up to the stage there to see the battle more clearly... =)
And at the finals.. Yoshi N Co got into second Place!!
Think their group name was Tom Yam...heheee...
They won $900 plus Ecko watches n BagS....
Then later everybody were like taking pics here n there... AJ With our Jap FrenS!!

Agnes n JoAnne...=)

Together with the Judges Of the Show~!~

Maki, Ahsami n US~!~

Me, YOshi n JoAnne+++

mE, mR darS, WEe n JoAnne pOSing for A pic~~~

GonZA(BbOy From THailAnd), ME, JOAnne n Wee(FRom Thai too)

At THE Colorful Bridge To LIQuid ROOm....!!

We JUS LOve TAking Pics....hehee...

On the SwiNg OutSide Liquid Room!!

After the prize giving...
All of us went for dinner...
then went to Liquid Room to pArty!!
All the Winning teams n Judges were there too...
and the music there was realli good~!~!
A Fun nite...but the time was too short yeah....
half way @ Liquid Room, me went over to DBl O...
Received A msg From My Bud, RongZ dat she's at DBl O...
SO went down to see her.. haven seen her for ages....

My DaRling Gal Drunk lo.....

One lAst pic B4 She GOes hOme..... lOve n MIss her So muchx~!~!

missed her lots....
Mr darS acc me to walk over....
Reached there.. gal was a bit drunk le...
Then me drank a bit... n we took pics..
After awhile, they going home le..
Gal.. realli happi to have seen u!!... Gotta meet up more often kays.. Love U~~
then around two plus... went back to Liquid Room...

And I missed A great Show mAn....hahahah
Cos it seems like Joanne Was being pulled out from the crowd to dance with one of the judges from the FloorSkillz Com...
Then later on she was like approached by lots of guys...
Hmm.. how come i jus left for a while n alot of things happened...
Then later on, i reached awhile n it was closing time already...
so All left for home le...
ANd the Guy(Judge) kept pulling Joanne to his Side...
And wanting her to go to his hotel room...
Seeing this... I told him Joanne's going to my house...
Waoh... tis guy jus wont stop man....
Even saying dat me n Joanne can go to his hotel room too..
Then me n Joanne start to run away,,,, n he kept following...
till LAter on... then he gave up....
Hmmm... tis ang mos think we are those easy gals meh....
jus onli wan ONS... haix... sorry... wan those.. go geylang ba~~~!!

LAter on..sat cabbie home...dropped Joanne at her house..
Then Mr darS sent me home....

JO GaL: Sorry for leaving u there... Sigh.. thot i'll jus b back in awhile...
Aniwae... I Wont leave u aniwhere ever again... I Promise kays~~.. Love U!!

My FaV CaLLA Lily!~!~!~ =)Mr darS...

THanks for the Flower n CAke n Oysters~~~

I like it alot....

I wan to say I'm Sorry too..

to have made u worry n calling non-stop for the past two days...

hOpe dat everything will go oN Smoothly...

And I mIss u Lots... *mUacks*

Lastly, Happi Two Months Too!-----DALDS---<<<

Friday, March 17, 2006

Sad------ :(

11:52 PM / 0 comments

Clubbing @ Phuture___15th MArch PiCture OF the Week----> TAken @ PHuture!!@!
JoAnne n ME @ A pUb---bOOzy

Ke Ai De JOAnne++
Luanie n ME~!~! ME n The SEXy LAdy!!~!~

Fabulous Three****
Enjoyed myself With Tis TWo Babes~!~!~
Me, LUanie, RoY n Joanne's fren~~~~~
Luanie, Roy n MOi~~!~!

Wat to say?....
Well... Dunno why is it A BAd omen or wat for A wednesday!!!
There Are Bound to have things happening....Sigh...
But Regardless... I'm still really Glad...
I have such buddies Around me....
Esp... My JOanne... Thanks for Being there for me...
listening to all the crap n HAving to bear with our quarrels...haiz...
Feel realli bad... But u r my best Bud--- i'm so lucky to have u..... :)
Then When I Msg My Kor--Roy to come down zouk...
he Agreed instantly>>>
mAde me touched too... Tat i know he will always be there for me too...
Thanks kor>>>...
And not forgetting my LOvely sista..Luan!!
Showering care n concern for me @ phuture...
I realli appreciate it lots...
Thanks To all my frens... Realli..love u all...
Though I was not realli happi dat nite....
But U all cheered me up....
Dun worry kays... i'll get over it....
But overall...i did enjoyed myself!!.... not forgetting abt the Good music they played!!

18th MArch 06

Well... after working two nites....
Today n tomolo i'll b off le... Yeah.... got to relax le...
My nieces are at my house le....
Came here for swimming n games....
But i'm so tired.... jus wanna laze in front of the tv n watch my liu xing hua Yuan all over again..
Went back to agency dat wed to get my pay too....
hmm... well.. its been some time i din work lo....
feel a bit too slack...hahhaa...
Hmmm.. should have agreed to work tonight @ Fisherman...
moreover, the ppl there have specially requested for me to work there...
heehee... feel kinda surprised....
But anyway.. i dun mind working there... the ppl are friendly...
and the scenery's good...

Alright.. gotta go down to take a look at them le....
Can see they are enjoying themselves....
when they are happi..i'll b too.... My sweet sweet BAby is back.. =)...... sound asleep*****

Hey~!~Enjoy Yr Weekend!!

LAstly... miss my tis GEr alots... n also missed clubbing with U.....